
Succession Planning Part 4: Succession, California Style, or How Prop 13 Affects Everything

October 23, 2014

When people work on their succession planning, estate taxes loom large in their minds.  We all worry that paying the estate tax will break the business and try to plan accordingly.  This may be the least of our problems, at least in California.  An estate tax is a one-time deal; but a change in property […]

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Prospects in Federal Tax Legislation

June 16, 2014

CCFA has more than enough work to do keeping up with California state legislation, but that does not mean that the federal arena can be neglected. There has been a lot of rumbling recently about reforming taxes.  Several of the forestry associations (Forest Landowners Association, American Forest Foundation) who do track federal legislation have been […]

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Litigation Update 9/6/13 – Fire Taxes and Dusky Gopher Frogs

September 8, 2013

Fire Tax/SRA Fees The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association announced the next date in court for their challenge to the SRA fees/Fire tax will be: Date:  Thursday, November 21, 2013 Time:  9:00 a.m. Place:  Dept. 14, Sacramento Superior Court, 720 Ninth St., Sacramento The hearing is open to the public.  HJTA asks that if you come, […]

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SRA fee collection suspended

March 25, 2013

The Associated California Loggers reports that the Board of Equalization is suspending collection of the SRA Fire Prevention Fee (Fire Tax) due to the heavy workload of processing the very high level of appeals filed for the fee.  The duration of this suspension currently undetermined. CalFIRE reports that they have received 87,000 appeals so far […]

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Legislative Update, 3/18/2013 – CCFA supports legislation to repeal or amend the SRA fee

March 20, 2013

CCFA has sent letters of support for the following bills, all of which relate to the SRA fee or fire tax: AB 23, AB 124, SB 17 and SB 125.  AB 23, AB 124 and SB 17 all call for the repeal of the fee.  SB 125 exempts people who reside in a fire district […]

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SRA Fees – Preparation for the Second Round of Billing has Commenced

March 12, 2013

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has advised us that CalFIRE is preparing the second round of billing for the State Responsibility Area Fee (the Fire Tax).  Even though the “fee” is being challenged by a lawsuit, CalFIRE will continue to bill every year until the class action lawsuit is resolved.  We can expect the lawsuit […]

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Fallout of the “Fiscal Cliff” – round 1

March 11, 2013

Below is some general tax information I received from an accountant listing the impacts of the deal struck between Congress and the President in the “Fiscal Cliff” stand-off, as well as the impacts of California’s Prop 30 tax changes. In the wee hours of New Year’s morning, the Senate passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act […]

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2012 Federal Tax Tips Synopsis for Forest Landowners

February 1, 2013

The U. S. Department of Agriculture has just released their annual Tax Tips for Forest Landowners newsletter.  The information presented in this article is current as of September 15, 2012 and may be used to assist you and your tax preparer in filing your income tax returns. The first question you must address is: Is […]

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