Where Do I Find Help?
There is a wide array of help and information available to forest landowners, if you just know where to look. Below are links to some of our best sources of information.
Send questions about what you find in your forest or how you can improve it to the following organizations:
California Forest Stewardship Program They have a bang-up library of land stewardship articles on a wide array of topics at Forestland Steward
Natural Resources Conservation Service Our local NRCS branch is located at 820 Bay Avenue, Capitola (831) 465-1967 Ask about the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Health Forest Reserve Program.
The American Forest Foundation has a website that helps guide you through making making and executing management decisions for a very wide array of land use options. Are you interested in bird-watching and attracting birds to your land? How about wildlife? Do you want to learn how to prepare your land for wildfire, drought or storms? What about encouraging or restoring native plant systems? Check out my land plan and explore.
Information to aid landowners in getting permits for restoration work
University of California Cooperative Extension
To keep abreast of the latest information about Sudden Oak Death
To prepare for wildfire:
CalFIRE’s Ready for Wildfire website
The state nurseries that once provided tree seedlings to forest landowners are currently not operating. The UC Cooperative Extension and CalFIRE are currently exploring ways to bring them back. We will provide information on this as it progresses. In the meantime, try:
Green Diamond Nursery in Korbel
Glen Lahar is the nursery manager. Contact him at (707) 668-4439
Order early for seedlings – a year in advance is not out of line. The nursery does plant excess to provide flexibility in the supply, so if your needs are small, they may be able to accommodate you.