Fire Tax/SRA Fees
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association announced the next date in court for their challenge to the SRA fees/Fire tax will be:
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Dept. 14, Sacramento Superior Court, 720 Ninth St., Sacramento
The hearing is open to the public. HJTA asks that if you come, you arrive a little early, dress appropriately and remain quiet, with you cellphone turned off while you are in the courtroom.
In July, the judge ruled that the lawsuit could proceed and permitted the HJTA to amend their complaint. The State is responding with more delaying tactics by filing another demurrer, raising objections that were not in their original filing but not responding to any of the points raised in either filing. The State is still angling to get the suit dismissed before hearing the evidence.
Pacific Legal Foundation Tackles USFWS over Dusky Gopher Frog Habitat
Pacific Legal Foundation has taken on another case of overreach by the Endangered Species Act regulators. Markle Interests, LLC v. United States Fish and Wildlife Service argues that there is not reason to impose a critical habitat designation for the dusky gopher frog on private land in Louisiana when the land is clearly NOT the frog’s native habitat. The regulators would be creating this habitat through land modifications, then trucking in the frogs from Mississippi.
Does this sound familiar? Kind of like coho salmon in Central California?
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