Explore the Agencies
We intend to provide links into current issues within the articles that discuss them, but we expect our readers may also want to explore further. Below, we provide a series of links into the agencies that regulate our lives, so that you may conduct your own research.
The Government
The Federal Government links:
- Environmental Protection Agency: www.epa.gov
- National Marine Fisheries Service: www.nmfs.noaa.gov
- federal legislation: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.php
- president: www.whitehouse.gov
California Government links:
- Board of Forestry: www.bof.fire.ca.gov
- California Air Resources Board: www.arb.ca.gov
- California Coastal Commission: www.coastal.ca.gov
- California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: www.fire.ca.gov
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife: www.dfg.ca.gov
- Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board: www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralcoast/
- California Governor: http://gov.ca.gov
- California legislature: www.legislature.ca.gov
- California Resources Agency: http://resources.ca.gov
Santa Cruz County links:
- Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors: www.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/default.aspx?tabid=160
- Santa Cruz County Planning Department: www.sccoplanning.com
San Mateo County links:
- San Mateo County Board of Supervisors: www.co.sanmateo.ca.us/portal/site/bos/
- San Mateo County Planning and Building Department: www.co.sanmateo.ca.us/portal/site/planning
Santa Clara County links:
- Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors: www.sccgoc.org/sites/bos/Pages/default.aspx
- Santa Clara County Department of Planning and Development: http://www.sccgov.org/sites/dpd/Pages/Department-of-Planning-and-Development.aspx
Monterey County links:
- Monterey County Board of Supervisors: http://www.co.monterey.ca.us/cob/supervisor.htm
- Monterey County Departments: http://www.co.monterey.ca.us/pages/departments.asp
Watch Dog Groups
- CalWatchDog www.calwatchdog.com
- govtrack www.govtrack.us
- Pacific Legal Foundation http://pacificlegal.org/
- American Land Rights Association http://www.landrights.org/
- American Stewards of Liberty www.propertyrights.org
- Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise www.cdfe.org
- Greenspirit www.greenspirit.com
- ActivistCash.com http://www.activistcash.com/
- Undue Influence http://www.undueinfluence.com/
- Public Interest Watch http://www.publicinterestwatch.org/
- American Council on Science and Health http://acsh.org/
- The Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance http://give.org/
- Push Back http://www.pushback.com
- Progress and Sustainability http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/progress/
- Freedom Advocates www.freedomadvocates.org
- JunkScience.com http://www.junkscience.com