
Forestry is gardening on a grand scale. The size of the harvested plants is larger and the harvest cycles are longer than what is found in a Watsonville lettuce or strawberry farm, but the same principals apply.

Forests grow. The number and size of the trees will grow until they are overcrowded, where they begin a desperate fight for light, water and nutrients. The ground becomes so shaded and water starved that the understory plants wither away. At this time, the health of the land requires thinning, just as the carrots in your vegetable garden require thinning.

Harvesting also provides the funds for property improvements. These funds are often reinvested into the land to improve roads, erosion control measures, fire protection measures and wildlife enhancement projects.

Harvesting technology has changed over the years, from the misery whips, oxen and steam donkeys of yesterday to the chainsaws, highline rigs,and helicopters of today.

On this page, we will explore the ins and outs of harvesting and harvesting technology.

The Great Big Leaf Maple Syrup Experiment – update 1

February 19, 2014

When you are starting a feasibility experiment, you don’t want to go whole-hog.  The vendors that cater to the maple syrup crowd sort of assume you’re working at a serious production level.  We really didn’t need 100 spiles, for instance.  So where do you go when you don’t know where to go to shop for […]

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Webinar Report: Advances in Multi-Aged Silviculture by Dr. Kevin O’Hara

June 3, 2013

We all believe we know what is meant by multi-aged silviculture.  It summons images of a forest where there are trees of many sizes, ages and species all growing together in a harmonious, integrated self-sustaining environment.  The image is clear, but the underlying mechanisms and constraints are not. The first portion of the talk was […]

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