That coho salmon mess

Survival Strategies, a study in contrasts between two salmonid species and their implications in land management

March 23, 2013

Cate Moore All salmonids are not created equal; this is becoming more apparent as studies continue into the life cycles of coho salmon and steelhead trout in the Scott Creek watershed.  The participants in the northern field trip of the Redwood Symposium got a fascinating update of the latest observations of the life cycles and […]

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CCFA and coho 2013: The state jumps back into the fray while NMFS begins execution of plan

March 23, 2013

California Fish and Wildlife stuns Scott Creek residents with an attempted hijacking of their water rights The CCFA Board heard the first rumblings of this at our 2012 November Board meeting when Scott Creek resident Barbara McCrary reported all the locals had been told they would be prevented from drafting from their springs if the […]

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CCFA and coho 2012: NMFS latest recovery plan released

March 23, 2013

In September 2012, NMFS released the “Recovery Plan for the Evolutionary Significant Unit of Central California Coast Coho Salmon”.  This is a massive four-volume document that lays out the measures that NMFS recommends as the prescription for recovering coho salmon south of San Francisco. CCFA learned of the document’s release through a Santa Cruz Sentinel […]

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CCFA and coho 2011: In which NMFS finally responds to the delisting petition

March 23, 2013

CCFA heard little substantive back from NMFS after we submitted our comments about their draft coho recovery plan. Homer T. (Bud) McCrary received the following response to his separate petition from NMFS, which rejected the points of the petition and added on a few more streams to the list for good measure.  Here is the […]

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2010: The National Marine Fisheries Service presented a public workshop on Central California Coast coho recovery plan.

March 10, 2013

Coho Recovery Workshop The National Marine Fisheries Service presented a public workshop to brief interested parties on the latest draft of the Central California Coast coho recovery plan. The text of the draft can be found at this link: A CCFA board member attended the meeting to represent landowner concerns. In addition, we submitted the […]

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2010: The Forest Practice Rules change to incorporate salmon restoration

March 10, 2013

Yes this DOES apply to you: As of January, 2010, the Anadromous Salmonid Protection (ASP) Rules became part of the Forest Practice Rules, replacing the previous Threatened or Impaired Watershed Rules. If you have an NTMP, or a previously approved existing THP, be aware that your plan must now be adjusted to meet the new […]

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CCFA and coho 2006: NMFS continues stonewalling while we publish our results

March 10, 2013

Complaint Regarding NMFS/NOAA Fisheries’ Failure to Comply with the Law by Reaching a Decision After 90 Days Concerning Our November 6, 2003 Petition James Buchal filed a complaint on Bud McCrary’s requiring NMFS to respond to his petition as required by law. Bud’s petition to delist the coho salmon south of San Francisco was received […]

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2005: CCFA and Big Creek Lumber Company vs. California Fish and Game Commission, Answer to Petition for Writ of Mandamus and Complaint for Declaratory Judgment

March 10, 2013

This response was submitted by California Fish and Game Commission 28 December 2005. ccfavcfgc28december2005

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2005: Letter to Russ Strach, Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Region

March 10, 2013

Letter submitted by James Buchal 5 December 2005. lettertostrach5dec05

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2005: Fax from Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project Big Creek (Kingfisher Flat) Hatchery manager, Dave Streig

March 10, 2013

This fax acknowledges some of the erroneous conclusions reached by Pete Adams, Fisheries Branch Chief, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz Laboratory, regarding early coho populations south of San Francisco. 29 November 2005. faxfromstreig29nov05

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