That coho salmon mess

2005: Unanswered Letter Regarding Pete Adams’ Second Review of November 6, 2003 Petition Concerning Coho Salmon South of San Francisco

March 10, 2013

Homer T. McCrary sent the following letter to Pete Adams, Fisheries Branch Chief, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz Laboratory 18 January 2005.  It was never answered. lettertonoaascl18jan05

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2004: Letter Regarding November 12, 2004 Telephone Conversation With Rodney McInnis, Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Region

March 10, 2013

submitted by Homer T. McCrary to Rodney McInnis, Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Region 2 December 2004. lettertonoaa2dec04b

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2004: Inquiry Regarding Postponed Determination As To Whether Petitioned Action is Warranted

March 10, 2013

Homer T. McCrary sent the following document to Craig Wingert, Fishery Management Specialist, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Region 2 December 2004. lettertonoaa2dec04

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2004: Inquiry Regarding Determination Whether Petitioned Action is Warranted

March 10, 2013

Homer T. McCrary submitted the following document to Craig Wingert, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Region 12 November 2004. lettertonoaa12nov04

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2004: What is an Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU)?

March 10, 2013

According to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS, NOAA Fisheries) a population must satisfy two criteria to be considered an ESU: (1) it must be substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific population units; and (2) it must represent an important component in the evolutionary legacy of a species. 69 Fed. Reg. at 31355. Unfortunately there […]

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2004: Addendum to Response to NOAA Fisheries, Santa Cruz Laboratory, review of November 6, 2003 petition concerning coho salmon south of San Francisco

March 10, 2013

Homer T. McCrary submitted the following document to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 25 October 2004. responsetonoaareviewadd25oct04

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2004: NOAA Fisheries, Santa Cruz Laboratory Review of the November 6, 2003 Petition from Homer T. McCrary Concerning Coho Salmon South of San Francisco and Response

March 10, 2013

Homer T. McCrary submitted the following document to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 19 October 2004. mccrary2004

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2004: CRFM’s Distortion of NOAA Coho Salmon Genetic Research Findings

March 10, 2013

Robert O. Briggs sent the following letter to Jodi Frediani of CRFM on 30 June 2004 explaining the how the CRFM article misrepresented the research and conclusions of Carlos Garza. lettertofrediani

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2004: A Petition to the California Fish and Game Commission to Redefine the Southern Boundary of the Central California Coast Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Evolutionary Significant Unit

March 10, 2013

Big Creek Lumber Co. and the Central Coast Forest Association submitted the following petition to the California Fish and Game Commission on 17 June 2004. 2004cdfgpetition

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2004: Were Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) South of San Francisco Ever Native, Indigenous?

March 10, 2013

Independent ReviewApril 24, 2004Were Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) South of San Francisco Ever Native, Indigenous? By V. W. KACZYNSKI, Ph.D., Certified Fisheries Scientist Emeritus INTRODUCTION I was retained by the California Forestry Association to critically review a paper by H.T. McCrary entitled, Memorandum Concerning RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR CALIFORNIA COHO SALMON (CDFG, 2003) WITH REGARD TO […]

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