The calendar now has three new events:
- Monterey Air Board Prescribed Burn Workshop – October 22, 2014 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Air District Office
24580 Silver Cloud Court
Monterey, CA 93940 - Exotic Phytophthora Sepcies in Native Plant Nurseries, Restoration Plantings and Wildlands – December 2, 2014 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Location: Log Cabin, 1299 Storey Ave, Presidio, San Francisco, 94129
Free and paid ($7/day) parking available.
Site Visit: Presidio Native Plant NurseryCost: $20 General; Free to students and employees of the Golden Gate National Parks (Registration includes materials and lunch)Symposium Objectives
- Educate and bring the restoration community up-to-date on the state ofPhytophthora species: new discoveries, current and potential threats to wildlands.
- Encourage critical thinking and dialog among land managers and nursery professionals on how best to work together at critical points in project planning, contracting, plant production, and outplanting.
- Empower participants to minimize the risk of harboring and dispersing invasive pathogens into wildlands.
- Provide participants with tools and information on how to adopt and adapt best management practices to their sites.
- Nor Cal Rx Fire Council Fall Meeting – December 2-3, 2014
Lion’s Gate Hotel in McClellan, CARegistration links and more information are available on our website at have a dynamic speaker list, including:Bob Mutch, retired USFS fire manager;Ken Pimlott, Director of CAL FIRE;Carl Skinner, retired Geographer/Ecologist with the USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station;Morgan Varner, Chair of the Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils;Malcolm North, Research Ecologist with the USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station;Robin Wills, Region Fire Ecologist for the National Park Service;Scott Stephens, Professor of Fire Science at UC Berkeley;Brent Skaggs, Fire Chief with Sequoia National Forest;Phil Bowden, Fuels Manager with Region 5 of the USDA Forest Service;and many more! Check our website for updated speaker lists.With your participation, we hope to thoroughly dig into issues around managed wildfire and prescribed fire, clearly articulate challenges and opportunities, and map out potential avenues for change. We hope you can join us!
Check them out.
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